
Change Password

When you are viewing your own file, you can click on the Change Password button  in the upper-right corner of the Personal Info tab. Passwords must meet the following criteria: contain a minimum of 8 characters; contain characters from at least three of the following categories: English upper case characters (A to Z) English lower […]

Change or Remove Sponsor

If you are no longer employed by the sponsor company we have on-file, you can change or simply remove the former sponsor using this page. We recommend that you ask your former sponsor to report any new hours prior to changing or removing. You can see what hours have been reported to ITA by going […]

Certification Result Creation by ITA

Three tasks can be performed using this function: 1. Issuance of a new certificate with a new number, 2. Recording of an existing BC certificate never converted from predecessor systems, and 3. Recording a certificate issued by an external body, usually to be used to validate RFC signoff by a tradesworker using an out-of-province IP. […]

Catalogue Item Search Results

In the Direct Access system, every type of result that can be recorded on an individual’s file is defined in the Direct Access Catalogue. This includes training marks, exam results, work based training hours, competency assessments, document assessments, and even certificates.  Each item has different attributes, depending on the item type. Using this Search, you […]

Catalogue Item Search

In the Direct Access system, every type of result that can be recorded on an individual’s file is defined in the Direct Access Catalogue. This includes training marks, exam results, work based training hours, competency assessments, document assessments, and even certificates.  Each item has different attributes, depending on the item type. Using this Search, you […]

Catalogue Item Details

In the Direct Access system, every type of result that can be recorded on an individual’s file is defined in the Direct Access Catalogue. This includes training marks, exam results, work based training hours, competency assessments, document assessments, and even certificates.  Each item has different attributes, depending on the item type. Using this Search, you […]

Bulk Notifications

Markup Codes for Bulk-Notifications INDIVIDUALS (Including sponsor-invites) Temporary password (for invites only) – {TemporaryPassword} ‘Magic’ link to Direct Access (for invites only) – {InviteForFirstLoginURL} This link will display as simply www.itadirectaccess.ca for mail-channel recipients, but for email-channel recipients it will display their personal invitation link which once clicked, allows them to register without a separate email validation. […]

Begin Your Account Activation

Welcome to ITA Direct Access! This page is for people who are currently, or have been a registered Apprentice in BC.  If this is you then you already have a Direct Access account.  To get the most up-to-date information about your progress in your trade, all you need to do is activate your account. How to Activate […]

Apprentice Alerts Tab

The Apprentice Alerts Tab has been created to help you manage your apprentices. Apprentices appearing here need attention. The following explains each kind of alert and the actions you might take to help resolve the problem. Outstanding Registration Requests View your “To Do List” (on the navigation bar at the top of the page) in […]