Change or Remove Sponsor

If you are no longer employed by the sponsor company we have on-file, you can change or simply remove the former sponsor using this page. We recommend that you ask your former sponsor to report any new hours prior to changing or removing. You can see what hours have been reported to ITA by going to:
My Account >> Results tab

If you have a new employer who wants to sponsor you, you can change your sponsor using the Change Sponsor tool.

  1. Ask your new sponsor if they have already activated their ITA Direct Access sponsor account. The sponsor’s Direct Access account must be activated before online change-of-sponsorship or online registrations can be done. Your sponsor may quickly activate their account by calling ITA Customer Service at 778-328-8700 or toll free (within BC): 1-866-660-6011
  2. Enter the new company’s ITA sponsor ID number. (you will need to get this from your new sponsor)
  3. Click ‘Find’ (Your sponsor name will appear next to the ‘Find’ box)
  4. Click ‘Change Sponsor’
  5. Click ‘Yes’ in the ‘Are you sure?’ dialogue box

Your sponsorship request has now been sent. Your new sponsor’s ITA-contact must now log-on to Direct Access and approve your request before the sponsor-change is final. Please be patient and allow several days for your new sponsor to complete this step. (some companies review their apprenticeship requests only once or twice a week)

You can remove the former sponsor by clicking the ‘Remove Sponsor’ button. Once you remove the sponsor they will no longer be able to view your transcript or personal info. Your apprenticeship will remain active and you may attend technical training normally, but you will not be able to complete your apprenticeship and become certified until you change to a new sponsor.