
Note Reminder

You can close the note by selecting the action ‘Complete’ and clicking Save. To postpone the note until a future date, enter a date in the ‘Carry Forward To’ box, select the action ‘Carry Forward’ and click Save.  The note will re-appear in the to-do list once the new date occurs.

New Account – Welcome

Why Create an Account? Your personal industry training records are maintained in your ITA account; every registered apprentice and BC-certified tradeworker already has one.  If you are new to industry training, you may want to create an account now.  For more information, please click here.  New Accounts Identification Details Your  full legal name, date of birth, […]

New Account – Terms and Conditions

All users of ITA Direct Access are required to accept and abide by the terms and conditions of use. ITA Direct Access Terms and Conditions The parties to this Agreement are The Industry Training Authority (the “ITA”) and the person or individual (“you”) that has been or will be issued an ITA Direct Access account. […]

New Account – Success

Because ITA notifications may be sent to you via email, we must confirm that you are able to receive them.  We have sent an email notification to the address that you entered when you created your account.  This message contains a link; click on this link to confirm that you have received the message, and […]

Merge Individual

This screen allows the user to specify two Individual records and merge them into one. User selects Source Individual using lookup on Individual ID. This is the Individual record which will no longer be used. User selects Target Individual using lookup on Individual ID. This is the Individual record which should be kept and continued […]

Manage RTF Reports

Welcome to RTF Report Manager This table will help you choose the document you’d like to modify: Report Name Category To Immediate Subject ACG Progression Letter Progression Letter Individual N Apprenticeship Completion Grant AIG Progression Letter Progression Letter Individual N Confirmation of Progression for {ProgramName} – Apprenticeship Incentive Grant Apprentice Completion Letter Certification: Letter Print […]

Login – Welcome

Welcome to ITA Direct Access! With Direct Access you can instantly get the most up-to-date information from your ITA tradesworker file including class grades, exam marks, reports of hours or other apprenticeship achievements, and full details on all British Columbia ITA certificates you hold. How to Sign In Your Individual ID is the six-digit** number which […]

Individual Summary – Results

All apprenticeship achievements (for any trade) that the ITA has on file for an individual are listed on the results tab. This includes training marks, exam results, work based training hours, competency assessments, and document assessments. The results tab is not available to sponsors or training providers, though both are able to see the transcript […]

Individual Summary – Registrations

Lists all Active and Completed program registrations for the individual, including: Apprenticeships – combining in-school and work-based training, under the direction of a sponsor Challenges – unsponsored programs recognizing prior learning and experience SSA, ACE IT – programs for youth apprentices, sponsored by secondary school districts Foundation – pre-apprenticeship training programs delivered by post-secondary and […]