Official Program Transcript

Allows you to view the Official Program Transcript.  You can also print the transcript or save a copy, by using one of the two buttons at the top left corner of the transcript window.


The Official Program Transcript shows the status of the program registration, and progress against the completion requirements for the program.  It is updated each time training activity is recorded for this program, and only the training activities that are relevant to this program are shown.

Registration Information

Basic information identifying the registrant and the program are presented.  Please contact the ITA if you believe that any of this information is incorrect or outdated.

Sponsor Information

Information about the current program sponsor (if any) is presented.  If there has been a change of sponsors, please submit a change of sponsor form immediately.

Summary of Program Completion Achievements

Each of the major program completion requirements is shown, along with your current achievement status against each and the date achieved (if applicable).

Details of Program Completion Achievements

This section presents the details of training activity, including all relevant technical training and exam results.

Each report of work-based training hours submitted by the program sponsor is presented, along with the total hours required for the program and the hours remaining.

Recommendation for Certification (RFC)

The last completion requirement for most apprenticeship programs is to obtain a recommendation for certification from the current sponsor.  When all other requirements have been achieved, the sponsor will receive a notification requesting that they submit an RFC.