Presents a list of functions available to you as a user of Direct Access. Your profile is based on the types of organizations for which you are a contact. All users are able to review their own industry training records and maintain their personal information.
Menu Items
Search for Individual
Access the training records of individuals who are registered in programs for which you have responsibility.
My Organizations
List and review all of the organizations for which you are a Contact on Direct Access.
Search for Trade
Find and review the master Trade entries
Search for Program
Find and review the details of programs set up on Direct Access, including apprenticeships and challenge programs.
Search for Catalogue Item
Review the master list of training activities, including technical training courses, exams, competencies, work-based training hours and document assessments.
Search for Sponsors and School Districts
Find and review the details of organizations that sponsor individuals in programs for which you have responsibility.
Action Bar
To Do List
Presents a list of tasks that have been assigned to you by the system or by other users.
My Account
Provides you with access to your personal industry training record.