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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are the advantages of being contacted by training providers?

A: From time to time, training providers offering training in your trade may wish to inform you about the availability of space in an upcoming training class. Receiving communications from training providers gives you more information and choices from which to select the courses that best meet your needs. For example, you may learn that training is available at a different school, or about a new program option such as E-PPRENTICE online learning. If you have not provided your consent, you will not receive this information, and may miss out on opportunities.

Q: Will ITA be responsible for scheduling an apprentice into technical training?

A: No. An apprentice is personally responsible for accessing technical training schedules from ITA-approved training institutions and registering yourself into training at the time and place of your choice.

Q: What type of personal information is shared with training providers and Industry Training Organizations?

A: Information including your name, mailing address, phone number, email, employer contact information, technical training level completed, and trade / program will be shared with training providers and ITOs if requested for the purpose of communicating training opportunities.

Q: If I receive these communications from training providers, am I obligated to respond to them?

A: No. Even if you provide your consent to be contacted by training providers, it is still up to you and your employer to choose the training provider and schedule that suits you.

Q: Will I be notified of all classes available in my trade?

A: No. Course notifications resulting from your contact information being shared with training providers and ITOs are likely to be infrequent. It is still your responsibility to inform yourself of all the training opportunities available to you and to choose the ones that best suit you and your employer.

Q: Has there been a change to the ITA Apprentice and Sponsor Registration Form?

A: Yes. The “Apprentice Responsibilities, Declaration, Authorization” section has been expanded to include a distinct section for the apprentice and the sponsor. The registration form is currently available at

Q: How can an apprentice confirm or revoke their consent?

A: An apprentice may contact ITA Customer Service for a form. Contact ITA customer service by phone at 1-866-660-6011, or 778-238-8700 in the Lower Mainland or by email at

Q: Is an apprentice’s current choice regarding course notifications final?

A: No. An apprentice always has the right to change their mind and can notify the ITA of this change.