Individual Search (Internal)

Searches for individuals can be performed using one or many of the search fields. Search will only return results of 100 individuals or less. If you get the error “More than 100 results have been returned” you must narrow-down your search by adding additional criteria.


In any of the name fields, the email field or the sponsor field the percent symbol ‘%’ can be used as a wildcard. For example:

  • Typing %SON into the Last Name field matches Anderson, Andresson, McPherson etc etc…
  • Typing MI%L  into the First Name field matches Michael, Mitchell, Miguel etc…

The system automatically matches results that are longer than the name entered. For example, ROB will match Robert, Robby, Robinder.

Search does not distinguish between capital and lower-case letters – MOLLY or Molly or MoLLy will all return the same search result.

Searching by Program

The Trade field allows you to search for individuals registered into ITA programs (apprentice, challenge, assessor, youth) in any trade.