Individual Search Results

Presents the results of a search for individuals.

Tips for Use

Select the ID to view the individual’s file, or select the program to view the official program transcript.  Select ‘Search Again’ to change the search criteria, or to enter addition criteria to narrow the search.

Access to Information

Under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy act, you have access to the records of individuals when that access is required to support your role in industry training.

Industry Training Organization (ITO) personnel can access the records of individuals registered in any programs in the trades for which they are responsible.

Training Provider personnel can access the records of individuals with active registrations in any programs for which they deliver training.

Sponsor and School District personnel can access the records of individuals with active registrations in any programs for which they are the sponsor.

Sharing Information with Third Parties

If you receive a request from a third party (i.e. not a member of the ITA or your organization) for information made available to you through Direct Access, you are required to follow the same protocols that are applied by the ITA; these are documented here:

Information Sharing and Caller Authentication Protocols