New Account – Welcome

Why Create an Account?

Your personal industry training records are maintained in your ITA account; every registered apprentice and BC-certified tradeworker already has one.  If you are new to industry training, you may want to create an account now.  For more information, please click here.  New Accounts

Identification Details

Your  full legal name, date of birth, and gender are required to positively identify you and to help protect the integrity and security of your industry training records.

Contact Information

The ITA will use the address that you enter here for mailing of certifications and other important documents.  Please use a permanent mailing address.
Enter your phone numbers in the order that you want us to use them.

Aboriginal Status

If you self-identify as First Nations, Metis, or Inuit, you may indicate ‘Yes’ in the drop-down menu, and then indicate one of these three in the second drop-down that appears. This information helps the ITA manage its Aboriginal programs, and will not be released to schools or any other third-party.

Email Address

The email address that you enter here will be used by the ITA to send you personal notifications (e.g. training results) and to help you to with password resets and forgotten ID’s.  Please use a personal email account that only you have access to.

Information Sharing

If you agree, the ITA may provide your contact information to ITA-approved public and private training institutions and the ITO responsible for the trade in which you are apprenticing, so that they may notify you of scheduled training courses that lead to certification in your current apprenticeship training program.  Please note that notification may not be sent for all courses.


Your password protects your personal information, and prevents others from using your account; please do not share it with others.  Passwords must meet the following criteria:

  1. contain a minimum of 8 characters;
  2. contain characters from at least three of the following categories:
    1. English upper case characters (A to Z)
    2. English lower case characters (a to z)
    3. Numerals (0 to 9)
    4. Non-alphanumeric keyboard symbols (e.g., ! $ # %); and,
  3. not contain the user name or any given or surnames of the user.

The identical password must be entered into both fields before it will be accepted.

Security Question

Please select a question that you will remember the answer to, and an answer that only you will know.

We require entry of the coloured letters at the bottom of the page to help us keep our website secure.  If you have difficulty reading the letters, please turn up the volume on your computer and click on the speaker symbol to hear them read aloud.